Posted by: Marco Lee | May 26, 2010

Character Analysis

The Last Sin Eater

               In the book The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers, the main character is Cadi Forbes. She is the protagonist in the story. The whole book resolves around her the most, and it is written in a first person’s point of view. She is the major character of the story, and she dominates it.

            Cadi Forbes is a young girl. Her name is shown on page 8, and her appearance is labeled on page 1. The author is going against stereotypes because girls are stereotyped as not outgoing or adventurous. On page 25, she said she was following the river, and she was looking for the sin eater. Cadi is a static character. She doesn’t loose heart looking for the sin eater to help her. The author discloses Cadi’s by what the character does. Cadi’s determination is disclosed by doing anything to find the sin eater. On page 63, Cadi said she spent her afternoons on Dead Man’s Mountain for a whole week. On page 74, she stole a jar of preserves to draw the sin eater down from the mountain. The author also discloses Cadi’s hope for forgiveness by telling the sin eater that she wants forgiveness. She wants to be forgiven by her mom about her sister’s tragic accident. Cadi’s curiosity is shown by what other character says about her when Cadi’s mother said she was full of curiosity on page 1.

            Cadi’s characteristics aid her to be consistent and adequately motivated. Her determination makes her consistent and doesn’t give up. Her desire of forgiveness gives her strengths and motivation to continue her difficult adventure. Cadi is trying to do the right thing but going about it in the wrong way. She stole things from her house, and that’s not ethical. She gets the motivation from her love to her mother that she wants to be cleansed so that her mom won’t be angry at her again and forgives her. Cadi is motivated and strong-willed from the beginning to the end of the story. She doesn’t not give up even she was threatened by Brogan Kai. On page 105, Brogan Kai hits Cadi and threatened her, but she still continues doing what she thinks she should.

            Cadi’s parents thought she was crazy because she is talking with herself, but actually she was talking with Lilybet. On page 321, it says Lilybet was thought as an angel who shows herself only to Cadi. Lilybet always gives advices and helps Cadi. Fagan is Cadi’s friend, and he helps her a lot. In the end of the story, page 323; they get married and have a daughter. The man of God told her about God and the truth. He also helped her to find a solution when she was trying to find someone who can eat her sins. On page 165, the man of God baptizes Cadi, and Cadi is saved. Cadi’s weakness is that she is too impulsive, and she swayed by her emotions. Problems could have solved faster and safer without her stubbornness. She makes decisions without thinking the consequences. Cadi’s strengths are that she is being good in trying times and her determination. She does not give up until the end. She thinks the teaching of the man of God is the truth and is right; therefore, passed his words to the people and stopped the custom of having sin eaters. On page 296, Fagan and Miz Elda are telling the people about the truth.

            One conflict in the story is that Cadi thought her mom hates her because of her sister’s death. Her mom didn’t talk to her, and Cadi thought of suiciding because of that. Actually, her mom was blaming herself for sending her little daughter to find Cadi and not being a good mother. Cadi looked very hardly for the sin eater because she wants her mother to forgive her. At last, she told her mom that she didn’t push her sister from the log, and her mom said she had never thought of that. She was just blaming herself, and Cadi was forgiven. The misunderstanding between them was broken at the end of the story.

Posted by: Marco Lee | May 26, 2010

Fahrenheit 451


1.      Montag believes that books are alive because the old woman could die with the books. There must be something in the books that he can’t imagine, and he stole a book from the old woman’s house to have a look. I believe that books are alive. Books can give me inspiration, hope, and motivation that a human being can do too.

2.      Become a doctor of psychology, I chose Montag. His internal conflict is shown after the meeting between him and Clarisse. He had trouble and kept thinking of their conversation. For example, he thought whether he was happy. From the text: “Of course I’m happy. What does she think? I’m not? He asked the quiet room.”  His external conflict is between him and his wife, Mildred. Montag thought that his wife was trying to commit suicide by eating the whole bottle of the sleeping bottles. They had argument when Montag told Mildred that she was trying to commit suicide. From the text:

                  …..“You took all the pills in your bottle last night.” 

                  “Oh, I wouldn’t do that,” she said.

                  “I wouldn’t do a thing like that. Why would I do a thing like that?” she said….

3.      I would choose Montag, and I would choose ‘Heal the World’ by Michael Jackson to be applied to his life. Some part of the lyrics of the song:

                  “…Heal The World,
            Make It A Better Place,
            For You And For Me…”

                  Montag wanted to stop the people burning books, and he wanted to save   his country. He wanted his country become a better place for everyone without wars and burning books. He was trying to heal the world, so I chose him.

4.      “Let’s keep the book, the world history textbook because histories are very important. If there are histories, we can learn from the pasts; and we won’t repeat our mistakes. Histories can make a person to appreciate the world and everything he/she has now. For example, soldiers fought and sacrificed for their country. Therefore, we appreciate their sacrifices until today. “

Posted by: Marco Lee | May 26, 2010



Anger is color of the lava.

 It sounds like explosion.

It tastes like wasabi.

And smells like the burning forest.

Anger looks like volcano eruption.

And makes you feel on fire.

Human and robot


Organic, alive

Create, have feelings, and eat,

Sight, hearing, touch, speech, and movements,

Obey, work, and receive orders,

Dead, faithful,


Posted by: Marco Lee | May 26, 2010

Guess Who is Coming to Dinner

The Lord of the Flies

Marco: Hi guys. Thank you for coming to my home.

Ralph: Yeah! Your house is so small. Ralph looks around with a funny face.

Piggy: Thank you for inviting me.

Jack: Whatever. Where is the food?

Piggy: Be patient. He is the host, and you are a guest.

Jack: Shut up! I wouldn’t come if I have known you are coming too.

Ralph: Stop quarrelling. You guys are so annoying.

Marco: The food is going to be served in a minute. Anyone wants any drinks?

Ralph: Sure, get it faster. I am starving now.

Jack: Do you want me to wait for the drinks too?

Piggy: Yes, thank you. My aunt said that I shouldn’t take cold drinks because of my asthma.

Marco: Okay. I will get warm water for you then. Marco gets the drinks for them.

Ralph: Here comes the food. Finally!

Jack: They look bad. Are you sure they are edible?

Piggy: Marco won’t serve it if it is not edible.

Marco: Let’s eat. They are cooked by my mom.

Ralph: Is your mom a chef? I don’t think they taste good.

Piggy: At least they taste better than the roasted pig on the island.

Jack: The pig tasted better than this! It was hunted by me!

Ralph: They taste better than I thought.

Marco: My mom can cook delicious food.

Piggy: Can I have the last shrimp?

Jack: No! You are too fat, so it should be mine.

Ralph: Have you had any of them, Piggy?

Piggy: No, this will be my first piece. I would like to try it.

Jack: It is mine. Since you’ve asked whether you can have the last shrimp, so my answer is no.

Ralph: Just give it to Piggy. Be fair, everyone can try it.

Marco: I agree. You can have another food too, Jack.

Ralph: The host agrees too, so it should be given to Piggy.

Jack: This is no fun at all! Fine, take it fatty! It tastes so bad, I won’t even want it.

Piggy: Thank you, it tastes good.

Ralph: Sucks to your thankfulness. Stop saying the word thank you. It makes me sick!

Marco: What did you guys do on the deserted island?

Ralph: Jack killed pigs and Piggy! I was the leader there!

Jack: It was not me who killed Piggy. It was Roger.

Ralph: Roger was one of your people!

Marco: Enough! It’s over, and it was about 80 years ago. We are the same now.

Piggy: Thanks for killing me! I have forgiven you because you are dead too. We are all dead!

Jack: I don’t need your forgiveness!

Ralph: Yeah, we are all dead people. This is the place for the people who died. We are the same!

 Jack: Okay, fine! But I will never be the same with the fat pig.

Piggy: Ralph is always the best leader.

Jack: I don’t think so. I was the leader! He fell, and I rose. I am better.

Ralph: You were using dirty tricks. You knew the people were afraid of the beast, and you took advantage from that by saying you will protect them.

Jack: I know you feel jealous because I am a better leader.

Marco: Was there really a beast?

Piggy: It is impossible to have a monster. It is illogical.

Ralph: It was just our own fear that made us crazy.

Jack: Oh! It is a good thesis! Jack says it with a mocking face.

Marco: It makes sense, though.

Piggy: I think we should go now. It is so late.

Marco: Are you going too, Jack and Ralph?

Jack: Yeah, but not with the pig.

Ralph: Probably. It is more fun at my home. This is so boring.

Marco: I am sorry. I will make it more interesting next time.

Piggy: I will come if you held another dinner again.

Marco: Okay. See you tomorrow, guys.

Ralph: Yeah, yeah.

Piggy: Bye. Thank you for the dinner.

Jack: Tata.

Posted by: Marco Lee | May 21, 2010

Compare and Contrast Essay

 Reading Books and Watching Movies

            There are different ways to get a story from different sources in modern times. Books have been  good sources for stories, but movies are getting more popular and have the same story with the books. Why are people still reading books, and others prefer watching the movies? Reading books and watching movies have a lot in common, but there are some differences that makes the readers remain faithful to reading books.

            Reading books and watching movies are similar because they are telling the same story. They give the reader or the audience the same feelings after reading or watching about the story. The reader can feel sad of the story in a book while the audience can also feel the same after watching about the story in the movie. The general ideas, which are the themes and main characters of the story, are the same. For example, Romeo and Juliet is romantic no matter it is read from a book or watched from a movie. A book and a movie both have a beginning, rising actions, and a resolution. The story are formed in the same structure regardless to it is a book or a movie.

            Despite the similarities, reading books and watching movies give details through different ways. By reading the books, the reader has to open his mind for imaginations. Books only show words, and the images of the story are imagined in the brain. On the other hand, movies give a particular picture of the story to the audiences, and the audiences get details through visual and hearing. The audiences can only get what is shown in the movies but can’t think outside the box for more creative thinking. The readers can have different feedbacks to the story, but the audiences can only agree with the movies; therefore, reading books and watching movies make the readers or audiences response differently.

            Watching movies can save a lot of time, but reading books could take a long time depending on the speed of reading. For those who can’t read fast, they would prefer watching movies. A movie will take about two hours, but reading a book could take more than two weeks for some readers. People think reading books and watching movies are the same, so they will choose to watch the movie for their time’s sake. Watching the movie can give them a better picture about the story because it is visual and is within a shorter period of time; therefore, the audience can remember the story easier. Besides, movies keep on renewing every week, but a new book needs to be written and published which will take a long time. That’s why people who like new and fresh things will prefer watching movies.

            Although watching movies seems to be more convenient, but people are still reading books. The reason is that books give more details to the readers and usually reveal more characters that are not shown in the movies. Movie producers need to cut away some details because they need to squeeze everything into one to two hours. Books can attract the reader to continue reading and give some prolonged suspenses so that the reader will be hooked or tempted to finish the book to find out the truth. Reading books can improve the reader’s writing and reading skills, but watching movies brings nothing else but entertainment.

            Before movies were invented, most of the people read books to entertain and improve themselves. Since movies came out, people are attracted by the beautiful and colorful graphics in the movies but have forgotten the books which are full of details and meanings. People are too obsessed to the shortcuts and mirths from the movies, but maybe they should just grab a book, sit down, and read a good book.

Posted by: Marco Lee | May 11, 2010

Persuasive Essay

Wealth as a Destroyer of Traditional Values

Should wealthy people forget traditional values and let wealth destroys them? Many people believe that they can have both wealth and traditional values in equal importance, and they can behave themselves well with the traditional values when they are wealthy. However studies show that many people have become materialistic and have forgotten their traditional values when they have become wealthy. There are two reasons why traditional values are forgotten and destroyed.

The first reason is when people are wealthy; they get bored easily as they have almost everything and tend to find something to do, which could break the traditional values. In the first place, they don’t care so much about earning money and don’t stick to their work, so they can wander around and find something interesting to do. Of equal importance, when people get bored, they tend to find something interesting or relaxing, such as drugs, to get rid of their boredom. They feel their lives are empty and meaningless because they live for nothing and have no worries about money. Furthermore, they don’t have an aim and indulge in something fun for them which opposed their traditional values, directly caused the traditional values to fade away.

               The second reason is wealth enables people to look for more pleasurable things since they have more money to spend. In support of this, wealth gives them more opportunity to look for fun. With the money, they can afford more things for fun. For example, they can afford affairs outside marriage, which contrast the teaching of their traditional values. Consequently, people think that even though they are wealthy; traditional values will limits their fun. They can’t do a lot of things if they always follow their traditional values, so they put traditional values aside when they come to their amusement. Also, traditional values are thought to be killjoy and are slowly being forgotten by the wealthy people. 

               Now that we have examined that traditional values could be forgotten and destroyed by wealth.  Try to always advise every person not to forget their traditional values when they are wealthy. Let them know that if they don’t follow their traditional values, they could easily step on the wrong path that could ruin their future, such as taking drugs. Take another step to make them understand the importance of traditional values. They should at least put traditional values in equal importance with wealth, so that they won’t make wrong decisions. Should wealthy people forget traditional values and let wealth destroys them?

Posted by: Marco Lee | May 11, 2010

Response to Literature

The Prince and the Pauper

People are easily changed by their discontentedness. Hoping for more than they should get and not appreciating their own lives have caused them to forget who they really are. Their lives might become worst or better, but they have lost themselves. As in the story of Mark Twain’s The Prince and The Pauper, Edward Tudor and Tom Canty were both discontented with their lives at that time, so they both made a wrong decision as to exchange their status.

Tom Canty and Edward Tudor were born in the same day, but their lives were in a big difference. Tom Canty was a pauper, and his family was poor. His father was a criminal and always hit him when he was drunk. Tom didn’t like his life like that as a beggar, and he wanted to be a king and hoped to stay away from his violent father’s beatings. He always acted like a king among the poor kids and learned the royal life from an old priest. On the other hand, Edward Tudor was the Prince of Wales. His mother was dead, but his father was holding the throne of England. After Edward had met Tom, Tom told him the life outside the palace. Full of the heart of admiration and adventure, Edward said he would give up the throne to live outside the palace. He thought the life out there was much better than the life in the palace. The people outside the palace could play whatever they wanted and watched different kinds of performance that he wouldn’t have a chance to see in the palace. It was thought to be more fun than being in the palace. Both of them had shown their eagerness to start their new lives.

Since Tom and Edward looked alike so much, they decided to change their clothes to feel the comfort of the royal clothing and the emptiness of the old rags. Because Edward had forgotten to change back to his royal clothing and went out to scold the soldier, he was thought to be the pauper. Tom was asked to stay in the room and wait for his return, but Edward had never come back. Here came the switch, the switch which changed the lives of these two kids, from royal life to pauper days and from poor to rich. This clearly showed the changes and consequences of being not contented with lives.

Both characters changed their dissatisfactory life, and did they enjoy it? The answer could be yes and no for Tom, but it was probably no for Edward. Both of them were thought to be mad and ill. Tom had become the King of England and enjoyed the royal life, but he knew nothing about the people and things happened in the palace; so he was thought to have an illness that caused him mad and memory loss. He was under some pressures from the officers and nobles to remember where the Great Seal of England was. Without any clue about the seal; he didn’t know what to do. Whereas Edward was beaten by Tom’s father, who thought he was his son. He claimed himself the king, but everyone ignored him and thought he was crazy. They mocked, insulted, and humiliated him. Fortunately, he had a friend who was a noble protected him from a lot of harms. At last, Edward was not happy at all and determined to go back to the palace to regain his throne.

In the end, both of them had switched back their status as before. Edward had become the King of England, and Tom was granted as the King’s Ward. Both of them had learnt a lesson of appreciating who and what they were. Their discontentedness had given them a lot of troubles, so being contented of who they are could make them realize the meaning of lives and get the most out of it.

Posted by: Marco Lee | April 23, 2010

Reflective Essay

Twenty Percent

Sitting on my small rectangular desk, and talking as loud as everyone did as the teacher wasn’t in the class yet. The teacher was probably getting his stuffs from the teachers’ office, and walking from a long distance to our class. Everyone was talking, playing, and even quarreling. Since the exam had just past, we thought that we should enjoy the rest of the time. Suddenly, a man with a pile of papers came into our class and placed them on the table gently.

            Only a few of the students noticed his appearance, and others still talked and laughed without realizing that the teacher was there. He was our class teacher. He was old, gentle, and he seldom got angry. We had never seen him getting mad, but only that day. He asked the class to be quiet calmly at first, but we ignored him. Normally, he allowed whispering as long as other students were not distracted, but that day he was frustrated and annoyed by us. Then he asked loudly, “Are you very happy? Will you have the same feeling when these papers are given out?”

            We stopped instantly and guessed that the papers were our exam papers. I was very nervous because I thought I didn’t do well in the exam. Some of my friends’ faces looked indifferent and confident; therefore, their looks made me feel nervous. I was afraid I could be the only one who failed the exam. I took a deep breath slowly and tried to calm down.

            The teacher began to call out our names, and we walked to him and got our paper. I waited and waited, but my name wasn’t called yet. The students, who had received their papers, looked worse and worse than each other. I started to realize that the teacher’s pattern of giving out the papers. He gave them from the highest percentage to the lowest; consequently, I started to sweat and tremble because my name hadn’t been called yet. The class changed from smiles on the faces to sorrow and grave looks.

            Finally, my name was called, and I walked out slowly. The teacher showed me a disappointed look that gave me a hint that I did really bad. I went in front of him, and he asked me why I did so terribly. He showed me my paper, and I failed with a score of twenty percent.  The gruesome fact that it was my first F in all my exams made me paused. I couldn’t answer his question, and my tongue felt like it was tied up; and I couldn’t make any sound. He shook his head and told me to go back to my seat.

            Walking along the aisle with embarrassment, and especially when my friends asked whether I did it well. I felt ashamed and didn’t answer them, and they wanted to know it like hungry crocodiles fighting for an antelope. Suddenly, a hand went under my arm and snatched the paper away from me. The guy looked at it, and his eyes widened; and his lips turned to a smile. I could smell something bad happen, so I tried to get my paper back. He gave it to me and said he felt sorry for me. I thought that was true, but he shouted, “Someone got only twenty percent in the exam!”

            Everyone laughed very loud because they thought I didn’t mind if they did that. I always forgave people and could take a lot of jokes, but they didn’t know that I couldn’t take such humiliations. My face and ears turned red, and I felt like my head was being burned on hot coals. They kept on laughing and made me feel sick. Many laughing were heard around me, and they looked like devils who are laughing and turning round and round around me. I felt very dizzy and was about to faint. I ran out and went to the toilet and washed my face. I looked at the mirror and my eyes were red. For me, a man shouldn’t cry because of this, so I sniffed, wiped my face, and didn’t cry.

            Looking at the mirror, I saw myself and started to think what I have done before. I had been proud of myself because I always got good grades without a lot of studying. This time, I didn’t study at all because I thought the fortune would always be with me. The teachers always asked me to pay attention in class, but I didn’t. I even copied friend’s homework in a group because most of us didn’t do our homework. Then I started to find out the reason why I did badly this time. It was my friends who influenced me to be like that. I finally got the answer for my teacher. I knew who were influencing me, and I decided not to be too close with them from that time on; and this was my solution.

            After a month of trying to change; my endeavor to change was a success, from not using any brain cell to be fully responsible with dedication with my works. Hanging out with those students whom I used to call them nerds, made me a new person. They accepted me with both hands wide opened with courtesy. Looking at those students I used to be with made me feel stupid because I was under their control. It made me feel happy too, because I was not one of them anymore, but a spectator.

 I realized that peer pressures are very powerful. They can influence you and change your behavior. Choosing peers is very important in our lives especially during the period of adolescence. During that age, most of the teenagers find peer and even peer groups to form their characters. Therefore, having the correct and good peers can keep us away from troubles and lead us far in our future. We wouldn’t want to step on the wrong path like a narrow walkway with a lot of spikes, and hot fire beside and in front of us. The spikes are troubles and problems, and the fire is forcing us to move forward which causes us hard to turn back. I learned to make good choices and decisions when I am finding peers because they own a big part in shaping our characters. We have to stand firm and say no to peers who have a negative influence on us.

Posted by: Marco Lee | April 23, 2010

Descriptive Essay

My Grandfather

              Pushing the wheelchair down the steep walkway while trying to keep it steady, the veins of my arms appeared.  I could feel and hear the cold winter breeze slapping my face. I couldn’t stop moving because of the low temperature there. With a heavy brown coat and two shirts on me, my body was steaming. But my hands and my face were frozen because they were not covered. I couldn’t cover my face, I needed to breathe. The air was very dry, and my tongue and throat got dry very fast when I opened my mouth. On the wheelchair, the person who was sitting on it was my grandfather. I was pushing him down to the restaurant just a stone’s throw away from the apartment.

              The apartment was very old. My grandparents had been living there since my mom was just a child. This was Hong Kong, which was my mom’s hometown. The surrounding area of the apartment was quite clean and had a lot of trees. The air was quite fresh, and I could smell the grass. The apartment was full of old folks. They lived there happily because they were friends for a long time. They talked, exercised, and played chess together. Their houses were very old-styled, and I could see them in the eighties’ dramas. The old folks were so used to their lives there, and they enjoyed it. They had a lot of friends there, and this could explain why they didn’t want to move to the city with skyscrapers and modern life.

              While I was pushing the wheelchair, I could hear the gasping for air my grandfather did. He had a lung surgery a month ago, and his lungs were too weak to respire as easily; therefore, he had trouble breathing. Maybe he had used to the weather there, he wore not as thick as I did. That was a cloudy day, and the sunshine was blocked by the clouds. I barely felt the heat. With two old cotton-made long-sleeved shirts and a flat cap, he just sat on the wheelchair and was not feeling cold. He still had a pair of eyes full of energy and joy. Maybe he was happy because my whole family went back to visit him. I thought every grandparent must be happy when they saw their children or grandchildren.

              My grandfather was very weak after the surgery, and the shapes of his bones were visible. He was very thin and didn’t have appetite to eat. We always encouraged him to eat more, though. Most of his teeth had gone and caused him to have a little difficulty to speak and eat. When he spoke, his lips would get into his mouth like mumbling. I could see that he was speaking with his throat, and the pitch was very low. While he was eating, he needed to use his tongue to soften the food, and he tried to use the remaining teeth to chew.

              Looking at his pair of wrinkled rough hands, it showed that how hard he was working while he was young. He was working in a grocery store, and he needed to move and deliver heavy goods around. He was not a very strong man, but he needed to work hard to earn money for a big family of eight. I knew he must be a responsible guy, for sure. He had wrinkles and age spots on his face. He was not bald. He had some hair but not thick and was almost wholly white. He always had a kind and gentle look, and I heard my mom said that he was a nice-looking guy when he was young. I could see those old photos in his apartment, and they were either black and white or old colored photos. He looked a lot like my mom’s younger brother.

              There were many red lumps on his joints because of his high uric acid and rheumatoid, a kind of disease attacking his joints. The lumps were big and mostly seen on his fingers, toes, and ankles. Some of them were burst, and I could see the clotted blood on them. They looked like little volcanoes that would erupt. He had several toes with blood on their nails. A funny thing was, my five year old niece, asked why my grandfather painted his nails red. Everyone laughed, and she still didn’t get it. She was too young. My grandfather was a smoker, and he drank a lot. That might be the reason why he had got lung cancer. We had been advising him not to smoke and drink, but he just couldn’t stop. However, after he had known he had the cancer, he quitted smoking and drinking right away.

              For a beginner at pushing the wheelchair like me, my mom would probably be worrying whether I would lose control or not. That was my first time to push my grandfather’s wheelchair. I tried my best to keep it steady. I grabbed the handles hardly, and I made it to the end. My mom wanted to push it, but I insisted to do so. It was thought to be fun, but I came to realize that I needed to think about how the person sitting on it felt. Looking at my grandfather’s back, I learned how to respect the person sitting on it. I felt proud to have a calm and gentle grandfather, and pushing my grandfather along the walkway gave me a sense of satisfaction and responsibility. It might be nothing for other people. But for me, a short distance of pushing along the walkway had meant a lot.

Posted by: Marco Lee | December 8, 2009

Persuasive Essay

Should students be allowed to surf websites that are not related to education during school time?

Should students be allowed to surf websites that are not related to education during school time? Many people believe that it won’t bring much differences to them if they are surfing the Internet while doing their work. However studies show that many students are distracted by those websites and not focusing on their work. There are two reasons why students shouldn’t be allowed to surf websites other than education.

The first reason is students don’t feel like doing their work. In the first place, if they are free to surf the Internet, they will have a feeling of surfing the web rather than doing their work. They will feel like there is something better and more interesting than doing their work, so they will choose to do it. Of equal importance, students feel so bored doing their work, and they won’t do their work. If they are not allowed to surf those websites other than education, the only thing they can do will be doing their work. Furthermore, surfing the Internet is way more interesting than doing their work; so they will prefer surfing the Internet to doing their work.

The second reason is it will distract themselves or others while they are surfing the websites. In support of this, they will find something interesting from the Internet; and they will try to show it to his friends who may be trying to do their work. Consequently, both of them won’t be able to do their work in class because they will be watching the attractive or funny thing together; and not doing their work. Also, they will laugh out loud or make some sound if they see something funny or disgusting. This will affect other student’s concentration on their work.

Now that we have examined that students won’t do their work if they are free to surf the Internet. They shouldn’t be allowed to surf the websites which are not related to education. Try to stop students from surfing non-educational websites by monitoring all of the screens of the computer in the room. Take another step to make the students to understand the reason of doing that. If they are still doing the same thing, they need to be punished or sent for counseling. Should students be allowed to surf websites that are not related to education during school time?

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